Why Outsource Your Accounting?

Posted on: 19 July 2019

Many people who run a sole trader enterprise or a small business with only a handful of employees undertake all of their own accountancy work. This may make sense if you have a very simple business model that is relatively easy to account for. However, things soon start to get harder to manage when the number of clients and suppliers you have begins to expand. Although some businesspeople are capable of doing their own basic bookkeeping in the first year or two after setting up, it becomes increasingly difficult and you are in ever-increasing danger of making a crucial error. This means you should appoint a proper business accountant. What are the advantages of outsourcing this sort of service?

  • Cost-Effective Accounting

If you employ a ledger clerk for the everyday bookkeeping and an accountant to do the more complex financial work for your business, then you will have to face a big hike in your wage bill. Professional accountants train for years and don't come cheaply. Therefore, rather than building in your own knowledge base by employing your own finance team, outsourcing such work to a specialist accounting firm makes more economic sense. Accounting firms do this sort of work day in and day out, so you share the resource with other entrepreneurs, thereby enjoying an economy of scale.

  • Expert Accounting

As well as being cheaper to outsource your financial management to a business accountant, you get a great deal of expertise by taking this option. When you employ financial staff, you have to keep them trained in order for them to be up-to-date with all the latest tax regulations, for example. This means an ongoing investment is needed. When you use a third-party accountant, all of the expertise you require should be available to you without the need to fork out anything extra at all. Of course, knowing the latest rules means being able to comply with them properly, something which could mean you avoid getting into hot water with the tax authorities down the line.

  • Get On With Doing What You Do Well

For many businesspeople, running an enterprise is exciting because it affords them the opportunity to do what they are good at. If you feel like that, then why would you invest hours and hours doing your own books or overseeing staff you employ that do so for you? Instead, by retaining the services of an accountancy firm to take care of your finances for you, it frees you up to do whatever it is that makes your business money.

To learn more, contact an accounting professional like Marisa Gonzalez.
